Internet Resources for Participatory Research

Links and Contacts

Sustainable Development

Environmental issues

Monitoring & Assessment

Educational Resources


Consultants and Experts

Newsletters and information

Sustainable Development
Agenda 21 The full text and links to related issues and activities associated with Agenda 21
IDRC The International Development Research Centre of Canada. A public corporation created by the Canadian government to help communities in the developing world find solutions to social, economic, and environmental problems through research
ESCAP The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Publications, statistics, and news about economic, social, and environmental issues in Asia and the Pacific.
UNDP Operating world-wide through 132 country offices, the United Nations Development Programme is the UN's largest source of grants for development cooperation and its main anti-poverty agency.
UNFAO Agriculture, and Food Security. FAO has an excellent database on line with statistical information from around the world.
UNFPA The United Nations Population Fund, is the largest mulitilateral provider of population and family planning assistance to developing countries. The fund was established in 1969 and is wholly funded by voluntary comntributions.
UNICEF The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund advocates and works for the protection of children's rights, to help the young meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.
SEI An institute for sustainable development that has developed some interesting planning software to aid policy design.
Tellus Consultants Ltd. Participatory activities for sustainable development in the South Pacific
World Resources Institute  Good statistical data on development and environmental parameters.
Forum Fisheries Agency Provides development assistance to Pacific island countries on high seas fisheries.

Environmental issues

UNEP The United Nations Environment Programme coordinates global programmes for the environment by inspiring, informing and enabling nations and people to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.
New Zealand
Ministry for Environment 
This website has a good description of how New Zealand has restructured its whole government along sustainable lines. You can also download the NZ State of The Environment Report.
Worldwatch Institute Worldwatch Institute, based in Washington DC, has the best and most reliable summaries of up to date global environmental information.
HORIZON Solutions Site Success stories of environmental management projects from around the world.
Environment Australia Online Australian Environmental Resources Information Network. A summary of Australian activities for the environment.
Landcare Australia Includes a variety of community based environmental action programmes
SPREP The South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, headquartered in Samoa, represents 22 Pacific island countries on environmental matters.
Monitoring & Assessment
Streamwatch Australian community water monitoring and assesment:   programme. The site is a terrific guide to how to set up and run a community bases monitoring scheme of any sort. One of the best projects in the world. Supported by the Sydney Water Corporation.
Waterwatch The national programme that coordinates community based water monitoring throughout Australia.
Victoria Waterwatch The Australian State of Victoria's Waterwatch volunteer programme.
Earthwatch International Public and school involvement in scientific expeditions around the world.
SPARCE South Pacific Schools participating in research on global warming. More than 100 schools participate.

School Resources

The Global Rivers Environment Education Network. Information on community measurements of water quality. An international programme.
Schools working together with scientists to monitor global environmental parameters
ReefBase International database on coal reef ecosystems.
Oceanguard A new action program for community participation in coral reef preservation.
SOPAC The South Pacific Applied Geosciences Commission conducts a variety of surveys and assists countries with a broad range of development issues including water, electricity, and mineral development.
Educational Resources
Sea Keepers New Zealand Schools participating with marine conservation programmes. Lots of educational materials covering all water related subjects.
SPARCE South Pacific Schools participating in research on global warming. More than 100 schools participate.
For Sustainability


LearningForSustainability is a resource for government, natural resource management and development agency staff, NGOs and other community leaders working to support multi-stakeholder learning processes to guide sustainable development activities. This guide to on-line resources highlights a number of topic areas that are relevant to social learning. These include topics such as capacity building, networking, dialogue and evaluation. A short introduction to each section outlines the nature of the resource links provided, and provides pointers to other topic areas which are closely related in use. A separate section links to key manuals and guides on the Internet for facilitating participation and engagement.
Australian community water monitoring and assessment  program. The site is a terrific guide to how to set up and run a community based monitoring scheme of any sort. One of the best projects in the world. Supported by the Sydney Water Corporation.

School Resources

The Global Rivers Environment Education Network. Information on community measurements of water quality. An international programme.
New Zealand NBio Neighbourhood Biology Network. Community participation in environmental issues, including policy making and planning.
I*EARN - The International Education and Resource Network Links, activities and educational opportunities for investigating  the environment.
University of the South Pacific The international university with campuses in many Pacific island countries.
Directories The Global Islands Network is an online resource of information about islands all over the world.
Greenlink A large directory of environmental web sites with good search facilities.
Webdirectory A large directory of environmental web sites with good search facilities.
Consultants and Contacts
Tellus Consultants Ltd. Research Scientists in the Pacific Island Region for Participatory Methods
PRA contacts Network of people involved with using participatory techniques.
PRA list-server Subscribe by sending an email and put PRA in the message section of the email.
Train the Trainer Training the trainer - an Australian group that provides training for people interested in the most modern techniques for group cooperation.
Forum Secretariat Secretariat for the South Pacific Forum, an association dedicated to the economic and social development of the independent Pacific Island Nations.
SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community (Formally South Pacific Commission) conducts regional development programmes and coordinates development assistance for its member nations.
Tourism Council of the South Pacific

Regional tourism association for the Pacific Island countries

Newsletters and information
Environmental News Network Up to the minute information on environmental issues and links to good ideas and practices.
Econet Up to the minute information on environmental issues and links to good ideas and practices.
Envirolink Up to the minute information on environmental issues and links to good ideas and practices.
additional links on South Pacific resources